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Industry 4.0 Board Game

The Industry 4.0 Board Game is one of the core outcomes of a 4 year, collaborative research project among UFSCar and USP (Brazil) and TU Berlin (Germany) to develop learning tools for Industry 4.0 competences' development. I was the lead designer and creator of the game and associated workshop hosting numerous events with industry partners, consultancies, and educational institutions, in Brazil, Germany and The Netherlands. The game was released as a CC-BY and can be downloaded here.

Boardgame Industry 4.0
Boardgame Industry 4.0

Boardgame Industry 4.0

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10. Rules Overview - BG I4.0

10. Rules Overview - BG I4.0

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Boardgame Industry 4.0 - Workshop

Boardgame Industry 4.0 - Workshop

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